Discuss the composition, powers, and functions of the Malaysian Legislature


Discuss the composition, powers, and functions of the Malaysian Legislature:

In this article we will complete guide you about: Discuss the composition, powers, and functions of the Malaysian Legislature

Discuss the composition, powers, and functions of the Malaysian Legislature
I. Introduction
Brief overview of the Malaysian Parliament Importance of the Legislature in Malaysia's governance
II. Composition
Bicameral structure: Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) and Dewan Negara (Senate) Number of members: 222 in Dewan Rakyat, 70 in Dewan Negara
Membership requirements and qualifications
III. Powers
Lawmaking powers Budgetary powers
Oversight and scrutiny of the Executive Representation and constituency services
IV. Functions
Debating and passing laws Approving government budgets and expenditures
Holding inquiries and investigations Representing constituents' interests
V. Conclusion
Summary of the Legislature's role in Malaysia's governance Importance of a strong and effective Legislature in a democratic system
VI. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

I. Introduction

💥 Brief overview of the Malaysian Parliament

The Malaysian Parliament, also known as the Parlimen Malaysia, is the country's supreme legislative body. It is a bicameral parliament, consisting of:

1. Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives)

2. Dewan Negara (Senate)

The Parliament plays a vital role in Malaysia's governance, lawmaking, and oversight of the Executive branch.


The Malaysian Parliament has its roots in the British colonial era, with the first legislative council established in 1867. After Malaysia gained independence in 1957, the Parliament was formally established, with the first general election held in 1959.


▪️ Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives): 222 members, elected by the people for a five-year term.

▪️ Dewan Negara (Senate): 70 members, with 26 elected by the states, 4 representing the Federal Territories, and 40 appointed by the King.

Powers and Functions:

▪️ Lawmaking: Parliament has the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws.

▪️ Budgetary powers: Parliament approves the government's budget and expenditures.

▪️ Oversight: Parliament scrutinizes the Executive branch's policies and actions.

▪️ Representation: Members of Parliament represent their constituents' interests.

Key Players:

▪️ Speaker of the House: Presides over Dewan Rakyat proceedings.

▪️ President of the Senate: Presides over Dewan Negara proceedings.

▪️ Prime Minister: Leader of the government and the majority party in Parliament.

▪️ Leader of the Opposition: Leader of the largest opposition party.

Parliamentary Committees:

▪️ Public Accounts Committee

▪️ Committee of Supply

▪️ Committee of Selection

▪️ Standing Orders Committee

Parliamentary Sessions:

▪️ Sittings: Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara meet separately.

▪️ Joint Sittings: Both houses meet together for special occasions.

The Malaysian Parliament plays a vital role in the country's governance, lawmaking, and oversight. Its composition, powers, and functions ensure that the voices of the people are represented and that the government is held accountable.

💥 Importance of the Legislature in Malaysia's governance

The Legislature plays a vital role in Malaysia's governance, serving as a cornerstone of democracy and ensuring accountability, representation, and lawmaking. Here are some key aspects of the Legislature's importance:

1. Representation: Members of Parliament (MPs) represent the interests of their constituents, providing a voice for the people in the decision-making process.

2. Lawmaking: The Legislature has the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws, shaping the country's legal framework and policies.

3. Oversight: Parliament scrutinizes the Executive branch's actions, ensuring accountability and transparency in governance.

4. Budgetary powers: The Legislature approves the government's budget and expenditures, ensuring responsible allocation of public funds.

5. Checks and balances: The Legislature provides a check on the Executive branch's powers, preventing abuses of authority and ensuring a balanced distribution of power.

6. Deliberation and debate: Parliament provides a platform for MPs to engage in discussions, debates, and negotiations, fostering a culture of deliberative democracy.

7. Investigations and inquiries: The Legislature conducts investigations and inquiries into matters of public interest, ensuring transparency and accountability.

8. Protection of rights: The Legislature ensures that laws and policies protect the rights and interests of citizens, including marginalized communities.

9. Promoting good governance: Parliament promotes good governance practices, such as transparency, accountability, and responsiveness.

10. Symbolic role: The Legislature serves as a symbol of democracy, representing the will of the people and the rule of law.

In Malaysia, the Legislature has played a crucial role in shaping the country's history, from independence to economic development and social progress. The Legislature's importance is evident in its ability to:

▪️ Pass landmark legislation, such as the Federal Constitution and the National Language Act

▪️ Provide oversight of significant projects, like the Penang Second Bridge and the MRT system

▪️ Represent the interests of diverse communities, including indigenous peoples and minority groups

▪️ Engage in debates and discussions on critical issues, such as corruption and human rights

The Legislature is a vital institution in Malaysia's governance, ensuring representation, accountability, and good governance. Its importance cannot be overstated, and its role in shaping the country's future is crucial.

II. Composition

Here are the details about the composition of the Malaysian Parliament:

A. Bicameral Structure: Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) and Dewan Negara (Senate)

The bicameral structure of the Malaysian Parliament is designed to provide a system of checks and balances, ensuring that power is distributed evenly and that the interests of various groups are represented. This structure consists of two houses: Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) and Dewan Negara (Senate).

Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives)

▪️ Represents the interests of the people

▪️ 222 members elected by the people

▪️ Individuals who serve in Parliament are commonly referred to as Members of Parliament (MPs).

▪️ Represent constituencies across Malaysia

Dewan Negara (Senate)

▪️ Represents the interests of the states and the nation

▪️ 70 members

▪️ 26 elected by the states

▪️ 4 represent the Federal Territories

▪️ 40 appointed by the King

B. Number of Members: 222 in Dewan Rakyat, 70 in Dewan Negara

The number of members in each house is determined by the Constitution. Dewan Rakyat has 222 members, each representing a constituency in Malaysia. Dewan Negara has 70 members, with a mix of elected and appointed members.

C. Membership Requirements and Qualifications

To be eligible to become a member of Parliament, an individual must meet the following requirements:

▪️ Citizenship: Must be a citizen of Malaysia

▪️ Age: Must be at least 21 years old

▪️ Voter registration: Must be registered as a voter

▪️ Criminal record: Must not have been convicted of a criminal offense

▪️ Mental health: Must not be mentally unsound

▪️ Residency: Must meet the residency requirements (for Dewan Rakyat members)

Additionally, candidates must also meet the qualifications set by the Election Commission, including:

▪️ Political party membership (for Dewan Rakyat members)

▪️ Nomination requirements (for Dewan Negara members)

These requirements and qualifications ensure that members of Parliament are representative of the people and have the necessary expertise and integrity to serve in the legislature.

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III. Powers

Here are the details about the powers of the Malaysian Parliament:

A. Lawmaking Powers

The Malaysian Parliament holds the authority to enact, modify, and revoke legislation,This power is exercised through the process of tabling bills, debating, and voting. The lawmaking process involves:

▪️ Introduction of bills by ministers or private members

▪️ First reading and debate

▪️ Second reading and committee stage

▪️ Third reading and voting

▪️ Royal assent by the King

The Parliament's lawmaking powers cover a wide range of areas, including criminal justice, economic policy, education, healthcare, and human rights.

B. Budgetary Powers

The Parliament has the power to approve the government's budget and expenditures. This power is exercised through the annual budget debate and voting. The budgetary process involves:

▪️ The Minister of Finance presenting the budget

▪️ Debate and committee stage

▪️ Voting on the budget and appropriation bill

▪️ Approval of the budget and expenditures

The Parliament's budgetary powers ensure that the government is accountable for its financial management and that public funds are allocated in accordance with the nation's priorities.

C. Oversight and Scrutiny of the Executive

The Parliament has the power to scrutinize the Executive branch's policies, actions, and decisions. This power is exercised through:

▪️ Question Time

▪️ Motions and debates

▪️ Select committees and inquiries

▪️ Annual reports and audits

The Parliament's oversight powers ensure that the Executive branch is accountable for its actions and that the government is transparent and responsive to the people's needs.

D. Representation and Constituency Services

Members of Parliament (MPs) have a duty to represent their constituents' interests in Parliament. This includes:

▪️ Representing constituents' views and concerns

▪️ Providing assistance and services to constituents

▪️ Engaging with constituents through town hall meetings and other events

MPs also have a responsibility to serve their constituents through various means, including:

▪️ Helping constituents access government services and programs

▪️ Providing guidance and support on various issues

▪️ Advocating for constituents' rights and interests

These powers and responsibilities ensure that MPs are accountable to their constituents and that the people's voices are heard in Parliament.

IV. Functions

Here are the details about the functions of the Malaysian Parliament:

A. Debating and Passing Laws

The Parliament debates and passes laws on various matters, including:

▪️ Criminal justice

▪️ Economic policy

▪️ Education

▪️ Healthcare

▪️ Human rights

The process involves:

▪️ Introduction of bills

▪️ First reading and debate

▪️ Second reading and committee stage

▪️ Third reading and voting

▪️ Royal assent by the King

B. Approving Government Budgets and Expenditures

The Parliament approves the government's budget and expenditures, ensuring:

▪️ Accountability in financial management

▪️ Allocation of public funds according to national priorities

▪️ Transparency in government spending

The process involves:

▪️ Tabling of the budget

▪️ Debate and committee stage

▪️ Voting on the budget and appropriation bill

▪️ Approval of the budget and expenditures

C. Holding Inquiries and Investigations

The Parliament conducts inquiries and investigations into matters of public interest, including:

▪️ Corruption

▪️ Abuse of power

▪️ Human rights violations

▪️ Economic scandals

The process involves:

▪️ Establishing select committees

▪️ Conducting hearings and gathering evidence

▪️ Reporting findings and recommendations

▪️ Debating and acting on committee reports

D. Representing Constituents' Interests

Members of Parliament represent their constituents' interests by:

▪️ Representing constituents' views and concerns

▪️ Providing assistance and services

▪️ Engaging with constituents through town hall meetings and other events

MPs also serve their constituents by:

▪️ Helping access government services and programs

▪️ Providing guidance and support

▪️ Advocating for constituents' rights and interests

These functions ensure that the Parliament is a vibrant and effective institution, representing the people's interests and holding the government accountable.

V. Conclusion

Here are the details about the conclusion:

A. Summary of the Legislature's role in Malaysia's governance

The Legislature plays a vital role in Malaysia's governance, serving as a representative body for the people. Its key functions include:

▪️ Lawmaking: Passing, amending, and repealing laws

▪️ Budgetary powers: Approving government budgets and expenditures

▪️ Oversight: Scrutinizing the Executive branch's actions

▪️ Representation: Representing constituents' interests

The Legislature ensures accountability, transparency, and responsiveness in government, making it a cornerstone of democracy.

B. Importance of a strong and effective Legislature in a democratic system

A strong and effective Legislature is essential in a democratic system, as it:

▪️ Provides a platform for representation and debate

▪️ Ensures accountability and transparency in government

▪️ Protects human rights and the rule of law

▪️ Facilitates economic growth and development

▪️ Boosts the trust and confidence of the public in the government

A weak or ineffective Legislature can lead to:

▪️ Authoritarianism

▪️ Corruption

▪️ Inefficient governance

▪️ Disenfranchisement of citizens

▪️ Erosion of democratic institutions

In conclusion, the Legislature plays a vital role in Malaysia's governance, and its strength and effectiveness are crucial for democratic governance, accountability, and the well-being of citizens.

Frequently asked Questions and It's Answers 

Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers about the Malaysian Parliament:

Question: What is the Malaysian Parliament?

Answer: The Malaysian Parliament is the country's supreme legislative body, comprising the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) and Dewan Negara (Senate).

Question: How many members are in the Dewan Rakyat?

Answer: There are 222 members in the Dewan Rakyat, elected by the people.

Question: How many members are in the Dewan Negara?

Answer: There are 70 members in the Dewan Negara, with 26 elected by the states, 4 representing the Federal Territories, and 40 appointed by the King.

Question: What is the role of the Parliament?

Answer: The Parliament's role includes lawmaking, approving government budgets and expenditures, holding inquiries and investigations, and representing constituents' interests.

Question: How does the Parliament make laws?

Answer: The Parliament makes laws through a process of introduction, debate, committee stage, and voting.

Question: What is the budget process like in Parliament?

Answer: The budget process involves the tabling of the budget, debate, committee stage, and voting on the budget and appropriation bill.

Question: Can the Parliament hold the government accountable?

Answer: Yes, the Parliament can hold the government accountable through questions, motions, debates, and investigations.

Question: How does the Parliament represent the people?

Answer: The Parliament represents the people through their elected representatives, who are responsible for representing their constituents' interests.

Question: What is the importance of a strong and effective Parliament?

Answer: A strong and effective Parliament is essential for democratic governance, accountability, and the well-being of citizens.

Question: How can citizens engage with the Parliament?

Answer: Citizens can engage with the Parliament through their elected representatives, public forums, and submissions to parliamentary committees.

Question: What are the responsibilities of the Speaker of the House?

Answer: The Speaker of the House is responsible for presiding over the Dewan Rakyat, maintaining order, and ensuring that the rules of the House are followed.

Question: What is the role of the President of the Senate?

Answer: The President of the Senate is responsible for presiding over the Dewan Negara, maintaining order, and ensuring that the rules of the Senate are followed.

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